National and State Register

Jared L. Brush Barn

Weld County

The Jared L. Brush Ranch began in 1860 as one of the first ranches in the Big Thompson Valley.  The barn was constructed in 1865 and continues to serve as an integral part of an operating agricultural complex.

A photo of the barn with bonnet roof in black and white.

Jared L. Brush Barn

The vertical wood sided barn includes historic shed roofed additions on each side of the central bay, which is 2½-stories in height and has a steeply pitched gabled roof.  The utilization of wood pegged posts and beams, in conjunction with native wood and stone, in the barn’s construction marks it as a rare surviving resource of its type dating from Colorado’s pre-railroad and territorial periods.  The property is associated with the Historic Farms and Ranches of Weld County Multiple Property Submission.